known that the, man had no regular practice nor other means of earning the thousands. When finally, the case came up for trial, after the usual long delay, a sentence of five and a half years was imposed upon tlie crooked "doctor," but today he is apparently as free as the little bluebirds that chirp their signals for the migratory How Much Does Prescription Cialis Cost flight How Much Does Prescription Cialis Cost south. When seen hurrying along the principal streets of a fair sized town the inhabitants who know the individual — no effort is made to "cover up"- — wonder how it is that a criminal who has been placed under a five year prison sentence is allowed to roam at large in accordance with his own sweet will. The reason, it would seem, is quite simple, expressed in two words , — public sentiment. The history of that particularly cultured community has indicated that abortionists were numerous, their nefarious practice was kept well under cover, and they conducted a thriving business. The process reminds one, amusingly, of the teaching of the old colored woman to her son, "Torm, min' out now, hit ain't no harm ter take whut yer want, but don't yer nuver let dem white folks cotch yeh at hit." Just so long as the criminal operations are successfully How Much Does Prescription Cialis Cost pulled ofT, well under cover, just so long will society wink and pass on. However, when some one of these crooked opera- tors becomes careless with catheter, tampon, or curette and disastrous results follow, society must arise to the occasion, as a matter of form, of course, make some little to do and then take up the old winking habit again. Some very frank talk was being indulged in with a lady patient on the subject and in reply to a true and decidedly pointed statement, the excuse was offered, "Well, it is quite necessary nowadays to be in the How Much Does Prescription Cialis Cost swim," It is quite true, as the old woman contended, "Times air changed mightily," How Much Does Prescription Cialis Cost but, it would seem, there are some very serious questions now up for a progres- sive, well organized society to settle. Within the past few months a woman patient was brought in by a man, married but not to the patient. The same direful tale was heard with little or no sympathy. The couple had visited a regular criminal abortionist and were frightened away by his exorbitant demand for money. The man and his victim were plainly advised that absolutely noth- ing would be done and, at the same time, it was strongly urged that the woman be sent off to a cer- tain, well conducted home lor unfortunate women, there the matter would be allowed to terminate in Nature's way. Fortunately, the case of the criminal abortionist in court was fresh and could be used as a persuasion stick. At about the sixth month of pregnancy the couple departed for the How Much Does Prescription Cialis Cost maternity hospital in a distant city. All seemed to go well until the patient, whether from depression at the thought of losing her graceful figure or the separa- tion from her lover, became so desperately dis- couraged and homesick that the unfortunate, re- sponsible man was besieged with letters, imploring him to bring her home. "I am quite willing to face the music, it is not such an uncommon occurrence but that I have lots of company," etc. Meanwhile, however, other letters were being posted to another woman, one who had large experi- ence with just such cases, a woman of great tact and good judgment. The letters she received of suggestion and counsel strongly urged that she use every possible means to make that deluded patient keep still. There was absolutely no deception used in getting the patient into the maternity hospital : the letters of the superintendent were read to the patient How Much Does Prescription Cialis Cost and she seemed most willing to place her- self under the care of such a nice place. From last reports the patient has, thus far, been made to "kee|) still." It would seem that we are advertising volubly our much vaunted progressive. Christian civilization and our great achievements along very many lines. We seem to be approaching a world wide democ- racy, but until we look more carefully to correcting How Much Does Prescription Cialis Cost the principles that must serve as the foundation to this great social order of progressive democracy, etc.. there is serious danger of history repeating it- self in the social conditions of ancient Rome. When it was stated by ancient Rome that the Huns and the Vandals came from without to pillage and destroy, in reality, and it was afterward found out. that the Huns and the Vandals were within the walls of the Eternal City. 423 Main Strfet. ■ f Vitality of the B Paratyphoid Bacillus in Con- taminated Edible Shellfish. — G. Daumezon {Bul- letin medical, December 29, 1917) sought to ascer- tain to what extent the B paratyphoid organism could withstand antagonistic organisms, especially those of the proteus group, under conditions such as those in which edible shell fish are customarih kept, viz.. in pure sea water or in brackish waters The cultural conditions were such, water being taken from the palleal cavities of the shellfish them- selves and a sufficiently anaerobic state established, as to reproduce as closely as possible the conditions under which the organisms naturally pullulate. A tendency toward disappearance of the paratyphoid bacillus under the influence of the proteus organism was observed, but this disappearance took too long a time to be of practical advantage. The antagon- ism of the two organisms was not appreciably changed upon substitution of artificial for natural sea water, provided sufficient assimilable organic matter was present in the artificial sea water. 504 DKUG ADDICTIOK. [New Yo«k Medical Jouina DRUG ADDICTION.